Category Archives: PASS

Performance Palooza: We Did It

The Performance Virtual Chapter team rocks.  Seriously.  Today was the Performance Palooza and it went off extremely well for our first all-day event.  I am so, so proud of our team: Carlos Bossy (@carlosbossy) Neeraj Jandwani (@njandwani) Paul Hiles (@PaulGHiles) Phil Franz (@phil0103) Ryan Adams (@ryanjadams) Wil Sisney (@HanSQL) Yulia Fuller (@yulia_fuller) I want extend…

PASS Performance Virtual Chapter: The Next Generation

Just over a year ago, I put out a call for volunteers to help me run the PASS Performance Virtual Chapter.  I had a great response from the Community and ended up with a fantastic team.  Like every virtual chapter we worked hard to recruit seasoned and new speakers, provide quality content and bring up…

January’s Performance VC LiveMeeting: In the books!

Yesterday was the first LiveMeeting hosted by the Performance Virtual Chapter in 2012 and it went very well, in spite of a few glitches!  I am so proud of our team; it was a solid team effort.  Carlos ( b | t ) had asked Jason Strate ( b | t ) to be our…

Introducing the 2012 Performance Virtual Chapter Team

In late November I wrote a post  asking for volunteers for the Performance Virtual Chapter.  There was a great response, and many thanks to those who replied!  Without further ado, let me introduce the Performance VC team for 2012:  Speaker Wrangler: Carlos Bossy ( b | t ) I briefly met Carlos at the SQLSaturday…