Monthly Archives: October 2011

PASS Summit: Day 5

All right friends, it’s Friday, it’s last day of the 2011 PASS Summit, and I’m sitting at the official bloggers table.  I also present my Baselines session today at 2:30 PM in room4C1-2 (yes, that was a shameless plus).  Sitting at the bloggers table means that I get to try and make written sense of…

PASS Summit: Day 4

Happy Thursday! Bill Graziano, EVP of Finance starts off the morning rocking the kilt. Awesome. So much of what happens within the SQL Server Community is due to the effort from volunteers. Bill asked all volunteers from outside the US to stand, then everyone from the US as well. I recognize a lot of faces….

The Customer Interview

This afternoon I’m presenting with Mike Walsh ( b | t ) and our session is Who’s Responsible? The Vendor or the DBA? One of the topics we cover is Vendor and Customer interviews. Mike has blogged about this previously here, and the post has some great questions to ask a Vendor before the third…

PASS Summit 2011: Day 3

It’s Day 3 at the live blog Friday’s keynote. 2011 PASS Summit and while I’m not sitting at the official blogger’s table, I’m one row in front since I get to live blog the keynote on Friday. I’ll update this post throughout today’s keynote, here we go…Rushabh Mehta up first! Rushabh starts off talking about…