PASS Performance Virtual Chapter: The Next Generation

Just over a year ago, I put out a call for volunteers to help me run the PASS Performance Virtual Chapter.  I had a great response from the Community and ended up with a fantastic team.  Like every virtual chapter we worked hard to recruit seasoned and new speakers, provide quality content and bring up our attendee count.  We had some great sessions over the year (you can view them on our archive page here) and I would like to take a moment to give a shout out to those who presented for the VC in 2012:

Thank you all for making time to present for our VC, and for your contributions to the Community.  We appreciate you!

Our numbers rose steadily over the year, and for the past few sessions we have had over 200 attendees, which is fantastic.  I am so thrilled with our team and the effort that everyone has put forth.  Ryan, Carlos, Wil, Yulia, Paul, Phil and Neeraj, it has been an honor working with all of you.

And if this sounds at all like a farewell type of post, that’s because it is.  I am turning the Performance VC over to the very capable Ryan Adams (@ryanjadams), who did an amazing job with marketing and had the awesome idea for the VC to host a full day of performance-related sessions – which we will be doing on December 6!  Yep, we’re in the process of finalizing the schedule, but on Thursday, December 6th we will have a full day of sessions that are all related to SQL Server performance.  You can read a little more about it here, and make sure to check back later this week to see the full list of speakers.

I’ll leave it to Ryan to blog about his plans for the VC, and as for me, I haven’t figured out what I’ll volunteer for next within PASS, but I’m sure I’ll find something.  I have been a part of the Performance VC team for almost two and a half years; volunteering for the VC was one of the first things I did when I got involved with the Community.  That involvement has led to so much more…so for those of you who want to do more, who want to be more involved: talk to someone who’s involved with PASS.  Maybe it’s your chapter leader, maybe it’s the leader of one of the Virtual Chapters, maybe it’s someone you know through Twitter.  If you want to contribute to PASS and to the Community, there are many ways to do so.  You just need a bit of initiative to go find what’s right for you.

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