Invitation for T-SQL Tuesday #32 – A Day in the Life

T-SQL Tuesday

T-SQL Tuesday

When we were kids, sometime during elementary school, adults started asking, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  The professions initially mentioned varied, but they were often along the lines of teacher, doctor, nurse, fireman, policeman, singer, engineer, etc.  Obviously these are not the only professions in the world.  There are so many different occupations that exist, that whenever I meet someone, I usually ask what they do.  It’s not unusual for someone to list a title I’ve never heard (Improvement Coordinator is one I heard the other day).  But a title doesn’t tell me what that person does.  Even when someone’s a doctor or a teacher, there are so many variations nowadays that I always follow up with, “Well what do you do every day?”  And I ask because I really want to know.  So tell me…

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday post is about you and your job.  Specifically, on Wednesday July 11th or Thursday July 12th, track what you do for an entire day and then write about it.  Hopefully one of those days is a “typical” day and not a vacation day (if it is, then just pick another day or do your best), but ideally, everyone writes about what they did on one specific day. 

The scope of this topic is wide open, you don’t have to simply list what you did – feel free to elaborate on what tasks you love or don’t love, your favorite or least favorite part of the day.  Make the post as non-technical or technical as you want (maybe you learned something new that was really cool).  My only request is that you list your official title, as I plan to include them in some way in my summary post.

•Your post must be published between 00:00 GMT Tuesday July 17th, 2012 and 00:00 GMT Wednesday July 18th, 2012.
•Your post must contain the T-SQL Tuesday logo from above and the image should link back to this blog post.
•Trackbacks should work, but if you do not see one please link to your post in the comments section below so everyone can see what you wrote.

Optional, but definitely encouraged
•Include a reference to T-SQL Tuesday in the title of your post
•Tweet about your post using the hash tag #TSQL2sDay
•Consider hosting T-SQL Tuesday yourself! Adam Machanic keeps the list.

Have fun!  I look forward to hearing about each person’s day 🙂

36 Responses to Invitation for T-SQL Tuesday #32 – A Day in the Life
  1. URL
    July 9, 2012 | 9:34 pm

    … [Trackback]…

    […] Informations on that Topic: […]…

  2. Tim Ford
    July 10, 2012 | 9:14 am

    This is a great and quite original idea. My head is already buzzing with a fun and creative way to fulfill such a fun and creative goal. LISTS ARE NOT AN OPTION! I’m thinking hand puppets.

    • Erin Stellato
      July 10, 2012 | 10:03 am

      I vote for hand puppets! You get bonus points for creativity. 🙂

  3. Rob Volk
    July 11, 2012 | 5:09 pm

    What if the things we do during the day are not, shall we say, entirely legal? Will our blog posts be admissible in a court of law?

    I’m asking for a friend. (At the NSA, but don’t tell anyone!)

    • Erin Stellato
      July 16, 2012 | 11:33 pm

      hahahaha! Um, Rob, if you’re that concerned, I think you should make up a story about what you did on that day.

      Oh wait, was I not supposed to publish that comment? 🙂

      Good luck!

  4. Shyam Viking
    July 13, 2012 | 6:30 am

    I had been overlooking this event all this while because of my sheer ignorance. I hope to start writing for this event with My day in the life.

    • Erin Stellato
      July 16, 2012 | 11:33 pm

      Sounds great, I look forward to reading what you write!

  5. Nick Haslam
    July 17, 2012 | 1:23 am

    My TSQL2sday post. Thanks for hosting.

  6. […] month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Erin Stellato (blog | twitter) with a theme of “A Day in The Life”. Erin […]

  7. Greg M Lucas
    July 17, 2012 | 5:58 am

    Can’t see my track back so here’s mmy contribution.

    Great topic, thanks for hosting

  8. Rob Farley : T-SQL Tuesday #32 post
    July 17, 2012 | 6:57 am

    […] do things around my company, LobsterPot Solutions – whereas this post is a response to the latest T-SQL Tuesday. I haven’t missed one yet, so I’m moving a little out of my comfort zone and posting anyway. […]

  9. Shyam Viking
    July 17, 2012 | 7:18 am

    I didn’t see the trackback so here is my post on T-SQL Tuesday #32.

  10. Greg M Lucas
    July 17, 2012 | 7:47 am

    Can’t see my trackback or comment so here it is again…

    Thanks Erin

  11. […] it’s T-SQL Tuesday time again! This month it’s hosted by Erin Stellato. The topic this month is interesting. It’s got a bit of a twist. Participating bloggers are […]

  12. […] idea for this month’s T-SQL Tuesday came from a book I read many years ago, Water Cooler Diaries: Women across America Share Their Day […]

  13. […] TSQL2sday #32 – A Day in the Life Posted on July 17, 2012 by Nancy Hidy Wilson TSQL2sday is a monthly SQL Server blogger event started back in late 2009 by Adam Machanic (blog | twitter). For more info on its beginning and purpose see the origin of TSQL2sday. Each month a different SQL Server blogger is the host (announces the theme and compiles a recap). This month’s event is hosted by Erin Stellato (blog | twitter) and the selected theme for this month is “A Day in the Life”. […]

  14. […] (blog | @erinstellato), the newest employee of SQLskills (congrats Erin!!) She’s asking us to track what we do for a day and then write about it – what a nifty idea! Here’s what my workday looked like on Tuesday, […]

  15. Steve Wales
    July 17, 2012 | 9:44 am

    Here’s my attempt at injecting a little humor into my dull day at work:

  16. […] to Erin for hosting T-SQL Tuesday #32!   Make sure you visit the master post for other great […]

  17. Nancy Hidy Wilson
    July 17, 2012 | 10:46 am
  18. […] T-SQL Tuesday #32 – A Day in the Life Share this:EmailPrint This entry was posted in Database and BI, Technology and tagged Agile. […]

  19. Chris Shaw
    July 17, 2012 | 12:40 pm
  20. […] again, delayed a week this month, so I had  a whole extra week to get ready. This month the party is hosted by Erin Stallato, fellow MVP, runner, and a SQL Server expert. Such an expert, she was recently hired by SQL Skills, […]

  21. Mike Fal
    July 17, 2012 | 1:27 pm

    Well carp, I posted the wrong link. Erin, feel free to delete my previous comment. Here’s my post:

  22. […] month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Erin Stellato, and the theme is A Day In The Life. The premise is to track what you do over the course of a day as a SQL professional. My days can […]

  23. Greg Lucas
    July 17, 2012 | 5:09 pm

    For some reason neither my trackback or earlier message have shown up. Third time lucky (from a different computer)

  24. […] weeks ago I put out a call for T-SQL Tuesday posts, and a huge thank you to those who responded!  It was an honor to have so many people participate […]

  25. Ramblings along the golden path....
    October 10, 2012 | 4:04 pm

    T/SQL Tuesday–A Day in the Life…

    Erin Stellato (blog|twitter) handed out this month’s T-SQL Tuesday assignment, which was to blog about what a typical day is like for a DBA. Since I have been wanting to start blogging for a long time and this seemed like an easy assignment, I took up …

  26. […] T-SQL Tuesday #32 – A Day in the Life Share this:More This entry was posted in Database and BI, Technology and tagged Agile, SSC Syndication, TSQL2sday by jsalvo. Bookmark the permalink. […]

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