PSA: Summit Polls Close Tomorrow!

Tomorrow, Friday May 20th, is the last day to vote for any sessions you want to see at the PASS Summit this October.  In my usual last-minute manner, I thought I’d provide a link to the sessions I submitted for readers to review.  In addition, I’ve included a link for the session submitted by Adam Machanic for which I would be a co-presenter.  If any of these sessions are of interest to you, then please vote for them!

I included my abstracts in a previous post, along with a few comments which I’m re-posting below.  Good luck to everyone who submitted, and I hope to see you in Seattle!

Link to the three sessions that I submitted here.

Link to the session submitted by Adam Machanic where I would co-present here.

Baseline Basics: Where to Start, What You Need

I’ve presented this session three times and I really feel like I’m in a good place with it. Brent Ozar provided some good feedback after SQLSaturday in Chicago, and I have picked up a couple more stories to weave throughout.

Who’s Responsible? The Vendor or the DBA?

Mike Walsh and I presented this session at SQLSaturday in Cleveland, and I have had some interesting customer interactions since that time. I am always learning, and this session is always evolving.

You’re My Density: Making Sense of Statistics

This is my newest session which I will give at our user group meeting next month and then hopefully tweak over the summer. I’m excited about this session because I love statistics and plan to head off into the weeds in some spots. Good stuff.

Is Your SQL Server Getting a Workout? Find Out With Who Is Active

At the PASS Summit last year, I had the opportunity to listen to Adam talk to Jimmy May about his Who Is Active stored procedure, which was a treat for me because I had been using it for customer issues.  I joked about doing a presentation together, but Adam took me seriously!  I think this session would be a lot of fun to do, and would provide a lot of value to attendees – both those who are using the procedure, and those who have never seen it.

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