SQLSaturday60: Who wants to be in my presentation?

Greetings, Professor Falken

It’s time for some education, peeps, and I am not talking about SQLUniversity, which started two weeks ago.  These are the final days before the first SQLSaturday event in Cleveland.  I have been part of the planning committee and let me tell you, my hat is off to anyone who has ever planned a SQLSaturday.  It has been a lot of work, but we have an outstanding committee and I have no doubt it will all be worth it.  The content alone will be amazing.  The icing on the cake is that I get to catch up with some SQL peeps coming in from out of town, like Kendra Little ( blog | @Kendra_Little ), Karen Lopez ( blog | @datachick ), Mike Walsh ( blog | @mike_walsh ) and Aaron Bertrand ( blog | @AaronBertrand ).  (By the way Aaron, I went bowling over the weekend…you would have beaten me this time.) 

And on top of all that?!  I am presenting two sessions at SQLSaturday #60:

Baselines First, Troubleshooting Second…


Who’s Responsible?  The Vendor or the DBA? (which I am co-presenting with Mike)

If you’re going to be at SQLSaturday in Cleveland this weekend, I hope to see you in of my sessions, or I hope you at least stop to say hi and introduce yourself!

Shall we play a game?

And speaking of sessions, Mike and I thought we would give people a chance to be in our presentation.  Ok…not really in the presentation, just a quote from you in our slide deck. 

In 140 characters or less, can you write something (sans profanity) about your worst experience(s) with a vendor?  Or if you’re a vendor – and I know you’re out there – can you write something about your worst experience(s) with a customer/DBA?  No name calling and no using real company names, please. 

Our plan is to use your quotes in the opening of our presentation.  We figure that since everyone will have just had lunch, a few “words of experience” might wake them up before we start.  ALL comments will be confidential…that means I promise not to include your name or Twitter handle in the screenshot of the tweet. 

If you want to play along, then please use the #DBArant hashtag on Twitter.  If you’re not on Twitter, feel free to leave a comment below (again, I promise not to use your name anywhere in the presentation) or you can email me: erin at erinstellato dot com.

Thanks for your help, and hope to see you on Saturday!

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