November’s TSQL Tuesday is hosted by Paul Randal ( blog | Twitter ) and the topic is Why are DBA Skills Necessary? The topic immediately made me think of some of the customer issues I have worked on over the years, and Paul’s list of things to consider confirmed that I was thinking about the right…
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All right, so Bob Pusateri ( Blog | Twitter ) posted his Bucket List this morning, and if I don’t post one right now, I’ll forget about it. I haven’t seen the movie, but apparently I’m missing out, so I will add it to my queue. In no particular order… Visit Redwood National ParkThere is…
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Yesterday we had a new guy start on our team. New employees go through six weeks of training before they even get to their desk, so I had already met him and had a first impression. He has a lot of experience with SSIS (of which I know very little, so I’m hoping to learn…
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“You can’t go back. You have to go forward to go back.” – Gene Wilder in Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Sankar Reddy ( blog | Twitter ) and the topic is Misconceptions in SQL Server. One misconception I frequently see in the customer base with…
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