It’s the end of day 3, and I admit, I didn’t even get this post started this morning…but that certainly isn’t because I wasn’t looking forward to today. Most of today was presented by Jonathan ( t ), and we started with Extended Events. I am glad we did this first! I took a lot…
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It’s after midnight and I’ve missed the deadline for Adam Machanic’s ( b | t ) TSQLTuesday event this month. But would I miss the chance to talk about some crap code that I’ve written? Of course not! When I read Adam’s post I went looking for a specific script I wrote back in 2006. Yes,…
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Today starts the second day of SQLskills training, and this day is all Jonathan ( b | t ). That means we’ll be learning about things like SANs, the SQLOS and Extended Events. It’s a big day. One thing I’m looking forward to is hearing Jonathan explain how a SAN takes a backup of a database (quickly)…
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It’s here. Today’s the first day of SQLskills training. I will not be live-tweeting or live-blogging the training (both impossible) but I am going to try and provide one update during lunch, and another at the end of the day. We’ll see how that goes! I have no idea what that will do in my…
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