Monthly Archives: August 2011


I like consistency in my life, just as I like consistency in our customer databases.  Consistency is calming; it reduces angst and anxiety in my mind.  I realized this today after my spin class.  I love my spin class.  Every Tuesday and Thursday I know that after class I will be exhausted because it’s a…

PowerPoint Notes: Not Always Good to Share

I don’t know about you, but when I am creating a presentation in PowerPoint, I use the notes section.  Sometimes I write full sentences about what I want to say, sometimes I just include a link to a whitepaper or blog post.  If I’m rehearsing I might put a To Do item for the slide…

SQLskills Training, Day 5: Beyond Training

The last day of training was well over a week ago, and yes, I am finally pulling together the blog post that covers Day 5.  I also wanted to write some kind of overall summary and after some events in the past week or so, I decided to just incorporate that here. Day 5 We…

SQLskills Training, Day 4: Hitting the Wall

I originally wrote this post last Thursday night, August 11th, at the end of day four of SQLskills training.  However, I was exhausted and went to bed after writing, without publishing.  I am now finally catching up… Ok, I’m tired.  I knew it would happen this week, where I kind of hit a wall.  I…